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Retractable Roof for Cruise Lines

Precision building with the best in the world!

Ship builders and designers are no strangers to working with the newest and most innovative product solutions. Adding a retractable roof to a cruise line ensures that your cruise line can sail in all types of weather with no impact on the guest experience.

It also ensures that a single ship can be sailed within multiple environments, from the Arctic to the Caribbean and that the for longer trips, guests are not impacted by weather related changes.

It is critical that those working within the global cruise ship industry are able to meet the strict building codes and standards necessary for these high tech environments. OpenAire meets all of these standards and continues to innovate!

A fully global and flexible ship design is a better investment for any cruise line operator. For those looking to expand their portfolio and bring to guests the latest and greatest technology – this is part of that package.

Check out our work on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Liners!

Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines

Transform Your Space

Expand operating days, reduce maintenance costs and drive increased revenue.
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