XFinity Live!
Philadelphia, PA
The Challenge
Since the late 1980s, Victory Beer Hall has been serving Philadelphia’s best home-brewed beer from its location in the famous XFinity Live! entertainment centre. As demand for its fine beers and foods grew, the hall’s owners began looking for a way to make better use of its patio space.
The Solution
OpenAire offered just the right solution. Working in partnership with The Cordish Companies to renovate the location, OpenAire’s team created an attractive single-sloped lean-to enclosure to cover a portion of the beer hall’s expansive patio. The design, tailored to match Victory Beer Hall’s rustic atmosphere, features three operable glass garage-style doors, offers excellent views of the city outside and lets in ample fresh air and sunlight in warm weather. In cold or inclement weather, the doors can close to keep visitors warm and dry.
This solution helps Victory Beer Hall and Xfinity Live! make the most of their property, allowing them to use patio space at any time of year and save substantially on lighting and air conditioning thanks to the adaptable design. This functional, innovative and modern structure has attracted many new guests to Victory and become another of XFinity Live’s hit attractions.
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