Morrisville Aquatics & Fitness Center
Morrisville, NC
OpenAire is often asked, can we turn our outdoor pool into an indoor pool that can be used year round. The short answer is yes.
In 2012, the Town of Morrisville, NC, voted, by an overwhelming 74% of the population, to approve the renovation of their local Parks and Recreation facility. The facility included an outdoor pool, but the town wanted to make this a permanent year around aquatic center. An enclosure that can be converted from indoor to outdoor at the push of a button is just the solution the town was looking for.
The Morrisville Aquatics & Fitness Center project which started construction in 2019 includes a renovation of the existing outdoor pool and clubhouse. The new pool includes a retractable roof enclosure by OpenAire connected to the existing facility which is also undergoing renovation. The new natatorium is 100 ft wide and 120 ft long with 16 motorized opening roof panels.
The new 12,000 sf Natatorium includes 2 new pools and water features.
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