Royal Glenora Club
Edmonton, Alberta
The Challenge
Edmonton’s Royal Glenora Club sought to replace an outdated outdoor pool which had limited value for members because it could only be used for a couple of months every year. The club was looking to build a completely new pool with an enclosure that could offer their members year-round enjoyment.
The architectural firm that designed the Royal Glenora Club expansion, Brinsmead Ziola Kennedy, recommended OpenAire knowing they had previously completed a retractable roof enclosure for Toronto’s prestigious Granite Club.
The idea of having a glass structure in Edmonton’s cold climate was initially met with skepticism. The concern was that heating costs would end up being prohibitive. To allay the Club’s concerns, OpenAire commissioned an energy analysis comparing an OpenAire building to conventional construction. The results, independently verified by the club’s own engineers, showed that even in northern Alberta, the combination of solar gain, natural light and natural venting would provide superior energy performance.
The Solution
An OpenAire structure offers savings over a traditionally-built, insulated pool, with significantly less impact on the environment and a lot more appeal for users. Based on the results of the study and their visits to other OpenAire buildings, the stakeholders at the Royal Glenora decided to go ahead with the glass structure.
OpenAire designed, manufactured and installed the 82’ wide, 175’ long and 24’ high retractable pool enclosure for the two pools. Now the Royal Glenora is able to offer members an outdoor feeling year-round, which is something that’s pretty unusual in a city with such a short summer. The solution reduces energy costs while increasing members’ usage and enjoyment of the facility, making it the best of both worlds.
The recent grand opening was a great success. Members are thrilled with the newly renovated facility and are planning to visit the club more often. After all, with the OpenAire retractable roof, it’s the only spot in Edmonton where the weather’s always perfect for a swim.
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